Armored Mobility Product Catalog

If you have questions about any of our products, please contact us.

  • AMI Product Catalog Page 1
  • AMI Product Catalog Page 2
  • AMI Product Catalog Page 3
  • AMI Product Catalog Page 4
  • AMI Product Catalog Page 5
  • AMI Product Catalog Page 6
  • AMI Product Catalog Page 7
  • AMI Product Catalog Page 8
  • AMI Product Catalog Page 9
  • AMI Product Catalog Page 10
  • AMI Product Catalog Page 11
  • AMI Product Catalog Page 12

"Restriction on Possession or Purchase of Body Armor. It is against Federal Law for a person convicted of a violent felony to purchase or possess body armor. In addition, various States also have laws restricting the purchase or possession of body armor by persons convicted of drug crimes, certain felonies, or other crimes of violence. By purchasing body armor from AMI you acknowledge and certify that: (1) you have no felony convictions, (2) you have not been convicted of any other crime that would restrict your ability to purchase or possess body armor under any State or Federal law, (3) you do not intend to use the body armor for any criminal purpose and (4) you are over 18 years old. AMI reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to refuse to sell body armor to any person. Additionally, the sale of body armor to residents of Connecticut is restricted to in-person sales, unless the sale is made to certain law enforcement or military personnel. AMI will only sell to government entities, law enforcement, military, first responders, and other qualified personnel with proper credentials (eg; CCW permit, PI license, Armed Security Guard license, etc...).